Autumn 2

Lots of our learning will be Christmas themed this half-term. However we will be covering a variety of aspects in different subject areas.
Please see the topic maps attached below for more details. 

Our Class Timetable:

Our timetable will vary each half-term, however PE will always be on the same day throughout the year. 

Home Learning Challenges
Below I have attached the home learning challenges for this half term. The children have been given a paper copy of this which they can stick in to their pink home learning log books.
These books are for the children to do their home learning in but they should not come in to school.
Please share home learning with us on Tapestry. Try to have a go at one challenge per week.
Other home learning:
Year 2 children also have their writing homework booklets which they can continue to have a go at 1 task per week. 
Year 1 and 2 children will have their spellings shared on Tapestry every Friday.
Reception children will continue to bring home a practise sheet each time they learn a new sound. 
Year 1 & 2 Spellings:
Year 1 and 2 have also been given spellings to learn this half term. Remember that they have all half term to practise them at will be tested on these words just before the Christmas break. A copy of the sheets sent home are attached below. We encourage the children to practise the words in their purple handwriting books so that they can work on spelling and handwriting at the same time.